Thieves breaking into vehicles
Thieves have been breaking into cars and motor-homes at various car-parks and some camp-sites along SH.73 on a regular basis (day & night). They have been stealing passports, credit cards, money, electronic devices and recreation equipment. Take your absolute valuables with you on the walks, and don't leave other valuable items in plain sight in your vehicle. Report any suspicious activity to Police '111', and note down registration plates of vehicles!

Bealey Spur Hut

TRACK GRADE: Tramping Track

WALKING TIME: 2 hours to the hut (4 - 6 hours return)

FEATURES: Beech forest, Alpine tarns, birds, alpine plants, historical hut, views of the Waimakariri Valley. Option to climb 1545m hill from hut with spectacular 360º views (requires an extra 1.5hrs return).

AREA BROCHURE: Discover Arthur's Pass Booklet (19MB)

HUT: Bealey Spur Hut. 6 bunk basic hut (free). NO Mattresses, water tank + very smokey fireplace. It is recommended to carry a tent as it can be very popular, but also it can be infested with mice & rats during beech mast years.

MAP : NZTopo50: Otira BV20 (NZMS260: Otira K33, Wilberforce K34)

LOCATION:Track starts at the end of the Bealey Spur settlement road, 15km East from the Visitor Centre. Look out for baches on the hillside, just past the Bealey Hotel. Park your vehicle in the car park provided near the highway then walk up the "private road" to the start of the track.

MAP: Click Here to open PDF File (660Kb).

DESCRIPTION: A gentle climb up the Spur, passing through Mountain Beech forest, wetland and tussock to the historic musterer's hut.

1545m Hill: In fine weather (good visibility) it is possible to climb beyond the hut to the top of the spur. There is no marked track, however a track does lead from the hut door, through a swamp, skirting the left side of the beech forest, then follow the rocky ridge to a cairn (pile of rocks) that marks the summit. Allow about 45 minutes one-way.

Return EXACTLY the same way.

The Hut: The hut was built in 1925 by Walter Taylor and Harry Faulkner, owners of Cora Lynn Station and used as a base for Cora Lynn's high country muster of the "Powers Country" which grazed up to 6000 sheep. It is also known as "Top Hut" and in the past has been know as Musterer's, or Top Horse Hut. Remains of corrugated iron dog kennels and the horse/sheep holding paddock fence are in the vicinity of the hut. Use of the hut for mustering ceased when the land was retired in 1978 and added to Arthur's Pass National Park.

Bealey Spur Hut is a beech sapling-framed; corrugated iron-clad hut with a wooden floor. It has an open fire with a flat tin chimney and there are six hung sack bunks attached to beach pole framing (they are quite uncomfortable, and it is recommended to carry a light camping mattress).

There is no window (although there is evidence that there was once one in the south wall) and daylight to the interior is provided by a sheet of corrugated Nova light in the roof. Tank water is available and a pit toilet is nearby. The hut was painted for the first time (by persons unknown) in 1997.

Bealey Spur Panoramic
Bealey Spur Hut
Bealey Spur Hut
Waimakariri Valley view
1545m Hill Route

AdventureSmart - Tell someone where you are going!So you have an enjoyable and safe time for your visit to Arthur's Pass National Park, follow the Land Safety Code:

  • Choose the right trip
    • Learn about the route and make sure you have the skills for it.
  • Understand the weather
    • It can change fast. Check the forecast and change your plans if needed.
  • Pack warm clothes and extra food
    • Prepare for bad weather and an unexpected night out.
  • Share your plans and take ways to get help
    • Telling a trusted person your trip details and taking a distress beacon can save your life.
  • Take care of yourself and each other
    • Eat, drink and rest, stick with your group and make decisions together.

For more information, visit or use the Plan My Walk system

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