Avalanche Peak

WARNING: Because of continuing problems (including fatalities) encountered on this route by walkers please take note of the following advise...
Last Update: 22/1/25 14:30hrs DST

General (Valley Floor)
Temp Now: 25ºC (Rising)
Windspeed: 3kmph
Wind Direction: WNW
Wind Gust (last hour): 10kmph
Wind Gust Max: 35kmph (13:04hrs NZST)
Wind Chill: 25ºC
Cloud Base: 2243m ASL

Tree-line (1400m)
Temp Now: 20.6ºC (Rising)
Windspeed: 29kmph
Wind Direction: WNW
Wind Gust (last hour): 33kmph
Wind Gust Max: 43kmph (13:01hrs NZST)
Wind Chill: 20.6ºC
Current Weather: Clear.

Summit (1833m)
Temp Now: 18.1ºC (Rising)
Windspeed: 34kmph
Wind Direction: WNW
Wind Gust (last hour): 38kmph
Wind Gust Max: 53kmph (13:03hrs NZST)
Wind Chill: 18.1ºC
Current Weather: Clear. Cloud is about 410m above summit.

Condition Images

Note: Red borders indicate the image is more than 10 days old!

Avalanche Peak (1833m) - Upper Avalanche Peak track18/11/2024
Avalanche Peak (1833m) - Upper Avalanche Peak track

Avalanche Peak (1833m) - Scott's track10/11/2024
Avalanche Peak (1833m) - Scott's track

Avalanche Peak (1833m) - North Aspect28/10/2024
Avalanche Peak (1833m) - North Aspect

Avalanche Peak (1833m) - East aspect29/09/2024
Avalanche Peak (1833m) - East aspect

Avalanche Peak - Rome Ridge traverse04/05/2024
Avalanche Peak - Rome Ridge traverse
HAVE A "PLAN B": If Avalanche Peak is out of condition with poor visibility/rain/wind, consider the Bealey Spur Track as an alternative. The weather can be much finer east of Arthur's Pass.

Area Brochure: Discover Arthur's Pass Booklet (19MB)
Route Guide: Avalanche Peak day route (1.6MB)
Map: Click Here to open PDF File (660Kb).

Avalanche Peak Track

Track Grade: Tramping Track & Marked Route
Walking Time: 3-4 hours to the peak. Allow up to 8 hours for the entire round trip.
Features: Waterfalls, Mountain beech and tussock tops, alpine views, 1100m climb.
location:The track starts in the far corner of the Helicopter Landing Pad (green field) beside the Visitor Centre.

The track climbs steeply through Mountain beech forest. In several places the track comes very close to Avalanche Creek and some stunning waterfalls.


From here the track is a route, marked with yellow-tipped poles. It follows the ridge up to the peak, joining the Scotts Track about 200m before the summit. The final ridge is a razor-blade with cliffs on either side, only venture out here if confident of heights, and the wind-speeds are low.

Return the via the slightly easier Scotts Track (orange tipped marker poles). Avalanche Peak Track (summit)
Avalanche Peak Track

Scott's Track (Avalanche Peak)

Track Grade: Tramping Track & Marked Route
Walking Time: 6 - 8 hours return
Features: Great views of waterfalls, Arthur's Pass, Mt Rolleston.
Location:: The "new" start to this track is signposted at the beginning of the very first bridge on the Punchbowl track, this takes you up across the highway and onto the original Scott's Track. Do not walk up the highway as there is no longer a formed foot-path!

Scotts track is the best local track for views of village, Punchbowl falls and surrounding mountains.

The track climbs on an even grade up to boggy terraces which are reached in 1 hour and are a good place for views.

The track continues onto the bushline (1.5 hours). If visibility is poor at this point, STOP, hold your ground and wait for a possible improvement, if visibility remains poor TURN BACK! The best views commence about 20 - 30 minutes outside tree-line at an old metal survey station beside the track. It then climbs steeply following a route marked with orange tipped poles along a rocky ridge. Avalanche Peak is reached after 3 - 4 hours from the valley floor.

Scotts Track connects up with the Avalanche Peak track (yellow markers) just below the summit. The final ridge is a razor-blade with cliffs on either side, only venture out here if confident of heights, and the wind-speeds are low. The round trip is possible, but only in fine weather and good track conditions.

For the round trip it is recommended to go up Avalanche Peak track and down Scotts track as Scotts is a more gradual descent and easier on the knee joints. Devil's Punchbowl Waterfall from Scott's Track
Scott's Track Views

Page updated 24/09/2024

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