Restaurants / Cafes / Bars

Alpine Parrot Cafe

300 metres from VISITOR CENTRE towards WEST COAST.
The Alpine Parrot Cafe & Bar has recently opened in the Arthur's Pass Village centre. They are open for breakfast from 9 am to 12 pm (cafe style), followed by an all day Lunch/Dinner menu until 8.30pm (Mixed food options available. The menu also includes a Mexican theme of burritos, nachos and Quesadilla's). Delicious cabinet food to go and NZ's best coffee brand "Atomic Coffee" is also available.

  • Open 9am until 8.30pm
Alpine Parrot Cafe & Bar

Arthur's Pass Store & Cafe

300 metres from VISITOR CENTRE towards WEST COAST.
Ph: (03) 318 9235
  • Open 8am to 4.30pm
  • licenced
  • Bottle Store
  • Takeaways, sandwiches, pies, cakes, All day breakfast
  • limited groceries, petrol (91) / diesel
  • Free Wifi with any purchase
Arthur's Pass Cafe & Store

Outside of Arthur's Pass township...

The Bealey Hotel

12 kilometres from VISITOR CENTRE towards CHRISTCHURCH.
Ph: (03) 318 9277

The Crafty Moa Restaurant and Bar is open...
  • Monday - Friday 3pm – 8.30pm
  • Saturday - Sunday 1pm – 8.30pm
  • Bookings are essential for bar and restaurant
Bealey Hotel

Otira Stagecoach Hotel

12 kilometres from Arthur's Pass towards WEST COAST.
Ph: (03) 738 2890
FaceBook: Click Here

  • Open 7 Days.
  • Historic Hotel (Est. 1865)
  • Tearooms
Otira Hotel

Page updated 07/02/2024

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