
Julia Hut via Taipo River

TIME : 4 days return

FEATURES : Alpine meadows & views, Hot Spring, Mountain Pass sidetrip, wild river & cableway.

MAP : NZTopo50: Otira BV20, Moana BU20 (NZMS260: Otira K33, Wilberforce K34)

ROUTE GUIDES : Harman Pass - Taipo River (1.6MB)


Not that hard, but the Taipo River is one of the most dangerous rivers in the South Island. If your not using the bridges your river assessing skills must be extremely good. Some side-creeks also flood very readily and these are not bridged, you must decide whether they are safe to ford or not. The route follows the Taipo River, both in the forest and on the shingle bank.

The hot spring is just downstream of Julia Hut, its good for those tired muscles & just un-winding.

A sidetrip up onto Harman Pass can be had, this takes one full day return from Julia Hut, and requires perfect visibility.


From Kelly's Shelter travelling via Carroll Hut & Seven Mile Creek, or from the Four Wheel Drive trail that starts on Highway 73 near the Taipo crossing.


Dillons Hut: New 10 bunk
Julia Hut: 6 bunks
Carroll Hut: 10 bunks
Mid Taipo Hut: 6 bunks

Julia Hut
Julia Hot Spring

AdventureSmart - Tell someone where you are going!So you have an enjoyable and safe time for your visit to Arthur's Pass National Park, follow the Land Safety Code:

  • Choose the right trip
    • Learn about the route and make sure you have the skills for it.
  • Understand the weather
    • It can change fast. Check the forecast and change your plans if needed.
  • Pack warm clothes and extra food
    • Prepare for bad weather and an unexpected night out.
  • Share your plans and take ways to get help
    • Telling a trusted person your trip details and taking a distress beacon can save your life.
  • Take care of yourself and each other
    • Eat, drink and rest, stick with your group and make decisions together.

For more information, visit or use the Plan My Walk system

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