S.A.R. Reports

Please, please take care in the hills...

To make a donation to Air Rescue Services in Canterbury/West Coast please visit www.airrescue.co.nz.

Should you have an emergency in the hills, firstly activate your PLB (should you have one) to alert RCCNZ, and if you have mobile phone coverage ring '111' and give them any useful additional information to pass onto the rescue services.

The following accident reports contain information provided by the Police, Air Rescue Services, Ambulance Service, Fire Service, Climbers and SAR recovery teams. Detail reports are only available 1998 onwards; prior data only logs fatalities and their brief causes.

There are valuable lessons to be learnt from all these incidents!

Search Year



PLB Triggered

SAR Type

SAR Reports - 2025

Records Found: 4
Fatalities: 1
PLB Activated: 3
Fall: 2
Aircraft: 2
ACR - Alpine Cliff Rescue
CAA - Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand
DOC - Department of Conservation
FENZ - Fire & Rescue New Zealand
LandSAR - Land Search & Rescue (groups)
PLB - Personal Locator Beacon
RCC - Rescue Coordination Centre (Wellington)
SAR - Search & Rescue

01/03/2025 Mt Rolleston
Multiple PLB triggers detected by RCC at about 1230hrs on Mt Rolleston. RCC despatched the West Coast Rescue Helicopter to investigate. 2x climbers discovered on face of Mt Rolleston on ledge, not recoverable by winch due to terrain and strong winds. The Canterbury ACR team is despatched with the Christchurch rescue helicopter to Arthur's Pass to initiate a steep terrain rescue. Weather conditions are marginal with strong winds at altitude and low cloud to west. Both climbers are recovered by 1900hrs. Nil injuries? Pending further information.

02/02/2025 Avalanche Peak
At approximately 1130hrs day walkers on Avalanche Peak witnessed a paraglider crash heavily into shrub covered rock in the Avalanche Creek upper basin. They phoned 111, with some of the party descending to the crash site. The 25 year old male pilot died at the scene from his injuries. The West Coast Rescue Helicopter was deployed from Greymouth. The paraglider pilot was recovered and taken to Christchurch.

16/01/2025 Mt Cheeseman
At approximately 1400hrs RCC received a PLB trigger near Mt Cheeseman and dispatched the Christchurch rescue helicopter. Simultaneous emergency phonecalls indicated a paraglider crash and only minor injuries were received by the male pilot. On arrival the helicopter crew discovered the paraglider pilot on a steep scree-slope with serious injuries. He was transported to Christchurch hospital.

02/01/2025 Mt Gizeh
About 1345hrs a solo male climber activated his PLB device in the vicinity of Mt Gizeh summit. RCCNZ dispatched a rescue helicopter. The climber had broken his leg in a fall on loose rock. After setting off the PLB he managed to crawl for about 50m up onto the ridge-back, where the helicopter crew located him. He was taken to Christchurch Hospital. The climbers pack remains on the mountain.

Fatal Accidents in the Arthur's Pass (APNP) / Craigieburn Forest Park (CFP) / Korowai - Torlesse Tussocklands Park (KTTP) .. 1926 to present
DateLocationIncident Brief
2021 - x2
20 March 2021Rolleston River Valley - Arthur's Pass National ParkA body discovered in valley, believed to be missing tramper from Nov 2020.
30 October 2021Mt Aicken - Arthur's Pass National Park1 person died after becoming disorientated and falling off a cliff.
2020 - x1
14 January 2020Mt Cheeseman - Craigieburn Forest Park1 person died from paraglider crash.
2019 - x2
6 July 2019Bealey Spur - Craigieburn Forest Park1 person died from hypothermia after becoming lost.
13 April 2019Mt Lancelot - APNP1 person died after falling from lower bluffs.
2018 - x3
22 October 2018Mt Harper - APNP1 person died after being dislodged by wet snow avalanche from Camp Spur.
18 March 2018Temple Basin - APNP1 person died after falling 70m on Twin Falls creek.
6 February 2018Hogs Back - CFP1 person died of natural causes whilst mountain biking.
2016 - x3
1 December 2016Mt Harper - APNP1 person died after falling 150m on Camp Spur route.
1 February 2016Mt Rolleston - APNP1 person died after falling 50m on Otira Slide route.
3 January 2016Deception River - APNP1 person drowned whilst crossing river.
2014 - x2
15 September 2014Lake Lyndon - KTTP1 person drowned whilst recovering boat.
19 March 2014Helicopter Hill - CFP1 person died of natural causes whilst walking.
2009 - x1
12 September 2009Mt Rolleston - APNP1 person fell through ice bridge into deep chasm.
2008 - x4
6 December 2008Waimakariri River - APNP1 person drowned crossing river in high flow.
26 October 2008Mt Philistine - APNP1 person fell 150m from Warnocks Bluff route.
16 January 2008Craigieburn Range - CFP2 persons killed in light aircraft crash.
2007 - x1
4 June 2007Avoca Valley - CFP1 person fell over cliff in upper valley.
2006 - x3
15 March 2006Browning Pass - APNP1 person fell 200m over cliff.
March 2006Cave Stream Reserve1 person fell over 8m cliff descending to cave entrance.
26 February 2006Mt Aicken - APNP1 person fell over cliff whilst off-route descending.
2005 - x1
9 April 2005Mt Cassidy - APNP1 person fell over cliff whilst off-route descending.
2004 - x2
5 October 2004Punchbowl Falls - APNP1 person drowned near Punchbowl Falls.
6 February 2004Harper River - CFP1 person died of heart attack on Cass-Lagoon track.
2003 - x2
21 June 2003Cave Stream Reserve1 person died of hypothermia in Cave Stream.
9 March 2003Mt Rolleston - APNP1 person fell down bergschrund on Otira Slide route.
2002 - x1
21 June 2002Mt Philistine - APNP1 person fell 70m from Warnocks Bluff route.
2001 - x3
4 August 2001Mt Philistine - APNP1 person fell 100m from Warnocks Bluff route.
11 April 2001Mt Rolleston - APNP1 person fell from into bergschrund from High Peak.
8 April 2001Mt Rolleston - APNP1 person fell from bluffs on Otira Face route.
2000 - x1
15 October 2000Temple Basin - APNP1 person fell 50-100m returning from ski-field.
1999 - x1
20 February 1999Avalanche Peak - APNP1 person fell 250m whilst tramping.
1998 - x2
29 April 1998Browning Pass - APNP1 person fell 150-200m whilst tramping.
23 April 1998Hawdon / Sudden Valley - APNP1 person missing. Body not found.
1997 - x1
24 May 1997Sudden Valley - APNP1 person drowned crossing flooded river.
1996 - x5
30 June 1996Porter Heights - CFP1 person taken by avalanche.
12 February 1996Hawdon River - APNP2 persons drowned whilst crossing flooded river.
21 January 1996Arthur's Pass1 person died in helicopter crash.
17 January 1996Tumbledown Creek - APNP1 person missing, presumed drowned.
1995 - x3
11 November 1995Bealey River - APNP1 person drowned crossing flooded river.
19 August 1995Temple Basin - APNP1 person died sliding down steep gully onto rocks below.
24 April 1995Mount Harper - APNP1 person died when fell 60m over bluff, 200m down iceslope.
1994 - x2
17 December 1994Mt Rolleston - APNP1 person died whilst sliding down Goldney Glacier, over 60m cliff.
8 January 1994Hurunui River (Harper Pass route)1 person drowned crossing flooded river.
1993 - x2
15 May 1993Taramakau River - APNP1 person drowned crossing flooded river.
17 April 1993Lyell Peak - APNP1 person died of heart attack.
1992 - x3
14 November 1992Anti-Crow Stream - APNP1 person drowned crossing flooded river.
11 August 1992Broken River Ski field - CFP1 person taken by avalanche, body found 2 December 1992.
14 March 1992Mts Philistine/Rolleston1 person disappeared whilst tramping, presumed dead.
1991 - x3
5 April 1991Arthur's Pass - Mt Cook traverse1 person disappeared, no body found, presumed dead.
15 February 1991APNP1 body found, no other information.
3 February 1991APNP1 body found, no other information.
1990 - x1
25 April 1990Edwards Valley - APNP1 person died of stroke whilst tramping.
1989 - x2
10 May 1989Avalanche Peak - APNP1 person fell while tramping, remains found 30 October 1993.
15 January 1989Avalanche Creek - APNP1 person fell 40m into plunge pool of waterall.
1988 - x2
22 February 1988Mt Cassidy - APNP1 person fell over bluffs and died.
1988?Craigieburn Forest Park1 person collapsed and died whilst day tramping.
1987 - x4
12 November 1987Arthur's Pass - APNP1 person found dead in car.
29 October 1987Cave Stream Reserve1 person drowned after falling.
19 September 1987Broken River Ski Field - CFP1 person died after sliding into rocky gully.
16 January 1987Deception River - APNP1 person drowned crossing flooded river.
1986 - x1
14 September 1986Mt Hamilton - CFP1 person died as result of ski fall onto rocks.
1984 - x3
28 October 1984Mt Rolleston - APNP1 person died after fall from Low Peak.
1 June 1984Temple Col - APNP1 person died as result of very high fall.
26 January 1984Mt Rolleston - APNP1 person died after fall of 300m into bergschrund.
1983 - x2
15 May 1983Waimakariri Col - APNP1 person died as a result of 30m + 200m fall.
31 March 1983Browning Pass - APNP1 person died from injuries sustained in fall.
1982 - x3
30 December 1982Mt Murchison - APNP2 persons died as result of summit cornice collapse.
13 July 1982Avalanche Peak - APNP1 person died from fall onto rocks.
1981 - x1
12 July 1981Avalanche Peak - APNP1 person died as result of exposure after 45m fall on snow tussock.
1980 - x1
27 April 1980Waimakariri Falls - APNP1 person fell 80m from bluff.
1979 - x6
13 December 1979Klondyke Corner - APNP4 person died as a result of landslip engulfing campsite.
1979Anti-Crow Stream - APNP1 person fell onto rocks then into stream - drowned.
13 June 1979Hawdon River - APNP1 person fell from track into river and drowned.
1978 - x2
23 November 1978Anti-Crow Stream - APNP1 person drowned crossing flooded river.
12 March 1978Avalanche Peak - APNP1 person died as result of climbing accident.
1977 - x1
26 March 1977Mt Rolleston - APNP1 person died as a result of 22m fall on Otira Slide.
1976 - x1
8 December 1976Waimakariri Gorge1 person drowned in rafting accident.
1975 - x6
8 November 1975Bealey/Mingha River - APNP1 person drowned crossing flooded river.
25 August 1975Temple Basin - APNP1 person died in avalanche.
27 May 19757 Mile Creek - APNP1 person drowned crossing flooded river.
25 February 1975Clough Cableway - APNP2 person died as result of helicopter crash into cableway.
30 January 1975White River - APNP1 person died from heart attack.
1973 - x1
16 September 1973Waimakariri Col - APNP1 person died from fall down 30m bluff.
1972 - x4
12 November 1972Cora Lyn - Waimak River1 person drowned as result of rafting accident.
13 May 1972Mt Rolleston - APNP2 persons died as result of climbing accident on Otira Slide.
3 April 1972Mt Rolleston - APNP1 person died as result of climbing accident on Bealey Slide.
1971 - x1
30 March 1971Avalanche - Rolleston Ridge - APNP1 person died from exposure caused by medical condition.
1969 - x1
2 August 1969Avalanche Peak - APNP1 person died in avalanche.
1967 - x3
8 April 1967Mingha River - APNP2 persons drowned crossing flooded river.
22 March 1967Mt Rolleston - APNP1 person died after fall into bergschrund on Otira Slide.
1966 - x5
24 June 1966Mt Rolleston - APNP4 persons died as a result of a climbing accident on the Otira Face.
24 June 1966Mt Rolleston - APNP1 person died as result of avalanche on Otira Slide whilst part of rescue for incident above.
1965 - x1
15 November 1965Otehake River - APNP1 person drowned crossing flooded river.
1964 - x1
28 March 1964>Mt Rolleston - APNP1 person died from fall while climbing.
1963 - x2
23 August 1960Bridal Veil Falls - APNP2 persons died from fall during traverse above waterfall.
1959 - x1
13 November 1959>Goat Creek - APNP1 person died after falling during traverse of bluffs.
1956 - x4
26 January 1956Wilberforce River - APNP1 person drowned while crossing high river.
31 March 1956APNP1 person died from fall off bluff.
31 March 1956Mt Harper - APNP1 person died when struck on head by rock whilst climbing.
18 November 1956APNP1 person died as result of hunting accident.
1955 - x2
4 August 1955Avalanche Peak - APNP1 person died in avalanche.
9 July 1955Bridal Veil Falls - APNP1 person died after falling over bluff at night - was climbing Mt Cassidy.
1954 - x1
15 February 1954White River - APNP1 person drowned crossing flooded river.
1950 - x3
22 July 1950Torlesse Range - TTP3 persons died when overwhelmed by avalanche.
1949 - x1
27 December 1949Taramakau River - APNP1 person drowned crossing flooded river.
1942 - x1
27 August 1942Temple Basin - APNP1 person died when overwhelmed by slab avalanche.
1935 - x2
26 December 1935CFP2 persons drowned while crossing flooded river.
1933 - x2
1 August 1933Avalanche Peak - APNP1 person died when overwhelmed by avalanche.
1 July 1933Avalanche Peak - APNP1 person died when overwhelmed by avalanche.
1932 - x2
1932Taipoiti River - APNP2 persons died, one as result of fall, other from exposure.
1926 - x1
August 1926Waimakariri River - APNP1 person drowned as result of rafting accident.

Page updated 24/09/2024

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