Flood bypass track not usable
The Waimakariri River has changed course upstream of the Anti Crow River junction. This has effectively cut-off the upstream entrance to a section of marked track here in flood or high water conditions. To bash past this section requires the crossing of two slippery waterfall faces just metres above the swift river. In low water conditions follow the riverbed crossing the river as required.

Clough cableway removed
The Clough Cableway across the White River (Carrington hut) has been removed. The White River will only be crossable in low river flows.

Arthur's Pass National Park - Waimakariri Falls Hut

Time: 2 days return
Difficulty: Marked track, some unmarked route sections, river crossings
Huts: Carrington Hut (36 bunks), Waimakariri Falls Hut (6 bunks)
Features: Outstanding alpine basin underneath the parks highest peaks
Location: The route described here starts at Carrington hut at the confluence of the Waimakariri and White Rivers.
Waimakariri Falls Hut Waimakariri Col
Klondyke Corner to Carrington Hut (4-6 hours one way)
Visit Carrington Hut Route

Carrington Hut To Waimakariri Falls Hut (4-6 hours one way)

Note: In winter /spring this route passes through extremely dangerous avalanche terrain. The Waimakariri Falls hut is also threatened by three avalanche paths! The terms "true-left & right" are used in this description, they refer to side of valley always looking downstream or down hill.

From Carrington hut follow the signposted and pole-marked track to the White River (200m). Search for the safest crossing of the White River to its true-left bank (usually not very far above it's confluence with the Waimakariri River). Once across, a pole-marked route follows the true-right bank of the Waimakariri River upstream before entering the forest onto a muddy track. After 500m you pass under the scree of a active winter avalanche chute. The route continues in the forest, eventually breaking out onto the riverbank. The route continues to follow the river, sometimes beside the river, sometimes climbing up screes to sidle along rough (and holed) bush tracks - keep looking out for orange markers and rock cairns. There are a couple of washed out sections of track at steep side creeks that require absolute care; and a section for about 100m where you must travel right beside the river - impossible in high water conditions.

Eventually the route breaks tree-line into alpine scrub and tussock about 700m before you reach the Campbell Creek confluence. The route can be quite vague here, but basically follows beside, or on the river edge. After Campbell Creek the route follows the river flats for about 1km before it begins to pass under the massive bluffs under Carrington Peak. It is recommended to cross the Waimakariri River here to its true-left to avoid potential rockfall from the bluffs. Continue following the river upstream for about 700m to a large bouldery scree slope, and cross back to the true-right.

The route travels very close to the river for a further 400m, before a short steep climb (marked by a marker pole) ascends onto a rough rocky track zig-zagging up the hill; this passes above the spectacular Waimakariri Falls. After 1km of travel the track comes back to the river at a swing-bridge, normally the river is easily forded just below the bridge. A sparsely poled route leads up through rock gullies onto the extensive rock slabs above, the Waimakariri Falls hut is situated in a alpine meadow next to the upper river.

Waimakariri Falls hut is owned by the Canterbury Mountaineering Club. Visit to see instructions on how to pay your hut fees!

Page updated 24/09/2024

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