Thieves breaking into vehicles
Thieves have been breaking into cars and motor-homes at various car-parks and some camp-sites along SH.73 on a regular basis (day & night). They have been stealing passports, credit cards, money, electronic devices and recreation equipment. Take your absolute valuables with you on the walks, and don't leave other valuable items in plain sight in your vehicle. Report any suspicious activity to Police '111', and note down registration plates of vehicles!

Arthur's Pass National Park - Kelly Range (Carroll Hut)

Kelly Range (Carroll Hut)

Track Grade: Tramping Track & Unmarked Route
Walking Time: 2 - 3 hours to the Carroll Hut
Features: Podocarp - Broadleaf forest, views down the Taramakau & Otira Valley, Alpine tarns, fault scarps, old gold mines.
Map: Otira BV20 (1:50,000)
Location:Track starts at the carpark, at the end of the side road that goes in behind Kellys Creek shelter, 20km West of Arthur's Pass Village.
Warning:In winter the track outside tree-line can become very icy. There are two avalanche paths that cross the track as the track sidles the southern side of Kellys Hill outside tree-line!

Description: The track climbs steeply up through Rainforest, to the hut which is situated just above the scrub line.

A good base to explore further the saddle beyond the hut, with alpine tarns, alpine flowers and striking fault scarps.

Climb Kellys hill to the north of the hut can provide views all the way to the Tasman Sea.
Carroll Hut Kelly Range

Page updated 24/09/2024

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