Thieves breaking into vehicles
Thieves have been breaking into cars and motor-homes at various car-parks and some camp-sites along SH.73 on a regular basis (day & night). They have been stealing passports, credit cards, money, electronic devices and recreation equipment. Take your absolute valuables with you on the walks, and don't leave other valuable items in plain sight in your vehicle. Report any suspicious activity to Police '111', and note down registration plates of vehicles!

Otira Valley Walk

TRACK GRADE: Tramping Track & Route

SHORT WALKING TIME: 40 minutes one way to the foot-bridge.

LONG WALKING TIME: 2 - 3 hours one way to the head of the valley using the mountaineers route.

FEATURES: Valley walk, Sub-alpine vegetation.

AREA BROCHURE: Discover Arthur's Pass Booklet (19MB)

LOCATION:The track starts at a carpark on the West side of the Summit of Arthur's Pass, approximately 7 km from Arthur's Pass Village towards the West Coast. The car-park is difficult to see when travelling from Arthur's Pass, slow down when you see the muddy Lake Misery on your left.

MAP: Click Here to open PDF File (660Kb).

DESCRIPTION: The track climbs over an old moraine, then follows the contour through subalpine scrub and tussock to the Otira River foot-bridge.

Beyond the bridge a unmarked route continues climbing across rock screes and boulders to the head of the valley, be careful as there is much loose rock. In Winter / Early Summer beware of avalanches onto the route above the foot-bridge.

Otira Valley
Otira Valley

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