Fire Danger Board

Menu Item - Graphs / Fire Danger Board

FWI Calculator can create a simple 2D Fire Danger Board graphic.

Danger Colours and Text is determined by settings in the Fire Danger Color Scheme dialog.

Image Size
Move the slider control to change the graphic size. Minimum width is 100 pixels, maximum width is 400 pixels. All graphics including text are automatically rescaled.

Graph Font
Choose a True-Type font from the drop-down list. This is used for all fonts on the graphic..

Fire Index to Use
Select the fire index that will determine the current (or last record) Fire Danger (FWI - Normal, FFDI - Code Red, GFDI - Code Red, CBI, Angstrom Index). Use FWI - Normal if in any doubt (5 segment Fire Board). Note: FFDI/GFDI - Code Red produces a 6 segment Fire Board.

Background Colour & Transparent
Select a colour for the background of the graphic by clicking on the colour box. If you want a transparent background (GIF images only) check the transparent checkbox. Note: Do not select a colour already in use on the graphic if using transparent mode.

Pointer Colour & Opacity
Select a colour for the pointer of the graphic by clicking on the colour box. If you want the pointer to be opaque (so text shows through) check the Opaque checkbox; the amount of opacity can then be adjusted (0-255).

Type the filename required for the graphic. BMP, JPG, JPEG and GIF file extensions are permitted. To automatically create the file for FTP upload check the Auto-Create checkbox. The graphic will be created at the same time other graphs are created. It will be saved in the Graphs folder.

Danger Font Colour, Bold & Uppercase / Title Case, Adjust Size
Select a colour for the Danger Level Text by clicking on the colour box. Clicking the Bold button toggles the font to Bold/Normal. Clicking the Uppercase button toggles the font to Uppercase / Title Case. You can tweak the size of the text so it renders correctly in the graphic by adjusting the size (-5 to +5)

Danger Font Back & Transparent
Select a background colour for the Danger Level Text by clicking the colour box. Check the transparent checkbox if you don't want any background colour displayed.

Align Danger Text with Pointer
Checking this box will rotate the danger text to align with the pointer within each segment.

Show Danger Value Banner
Checking this box will produce a banner below the board showing the current danger value (eg. Low, Mod, High etc). The background colour for this banner will be the current danger code colour.

Main Title Text
The graphic can have a main title if required. Type the text required in the edit box, it is scaled and displayed above the danger wheel automatically. Change the title colour by clicking on the colour box and choosing a new colour.

Show Date and Indice Used
Checking this box will produce a bottom text banner showing the date of the data used and Fire Index used to produce the Fire Board. The font size of the Danger Code text can be tweaked for best fit with the Adj Size selector. The background colour for this banner will be the current danger code colour.We recommend you use this feature so clients to your website are aware of the validity of the data!

Special Notice Text
Text entered here will appear below the Fire Board. It will appear as bold red text on a white background, with a black border. This could be used to incorporate current local fire regulations (eg. TOTAL FIRE BAN, Prohibited Fire Season, Restricted Fire Season, No Fires without a permit etc). You can save your entries by clicking the + button, or remove them by clicking the - button. Note: semi-colons(;) are not permitted in text.

You can choose to have the Special Text not to be shown on the Fire Board from a specified date. Check the Expire checkbox, then choose a date from the calendar (this will be the date your text will no longer be shown). Leaving the Expire checkbox unchecked will have your chosen text appear always.

To save your settings click the OK button.