Menu Item - Edit / Fire Danger Color Scheme
Some countries of the world use different colors to represent visually the five levels of fire danger (ie. Low, Moderate, High, Very High and Extreme). This form allows you to change the color scheme used in FWI Calculator to any color of your choice, or select from two default schemes available. You may also change the text used to describe these danger levels (this will be used on the Fire Danger Board graphic and in webtag - long danger codes for FWI, FDI, CBI, Angstrom Index, GFDC, SFDC & FFDC.
FWICalc uses these to represent the fire danger codes associated with FWI, FDI, CBI, Angstrom Index, FFDC, SFDC & GFDC. They are refected in the WebTags associated with Danger Code Colours, and on the application interface.
Select whether to Edit... Standard Danger Codes or the Code red Danger Codes (used in some States of Australia).
Set Scheme 1 : Some southern hemisphere countries (Australia, NZ etc).
Set Scheme 2 : Some northern hemisphere countries (Canada etc).
The colors used in the Chandler Burning Index (CBI) and Code Red FWI Index are fixed to the accepted standard (Scheme 1).
Colors can be individually changed by clicking on the color patch and choosing a new color from the palette.
Edit danger code text by entering text in the appropriate edit box. Note: try and keep short, otherwise the Fire Danger Board graphic will overlap text.
To save your settings click the OK button.