Westpac Air Rescue was called out to Castle Hill where a 25 year old female had been injured in a fall whilst rock climbing. She was flown to Christchurch Hospital. No further information available.
A 76 year old male tramper succumb to hypothermia whilst tramping at Hallejuah Flat on the Andrews Stream route to Casey Hut. He was tramping in a party of 4 teenage boys completing their Duke of Edinburough award when one of the boys started to show signs of mild hypothermia, he gave the boy some of his clothing then became hypothermic himself. The weather at the time was heavy rain showers and 7.5ºC. They raised the alarm by mountain radio, and proceeded in an attempt to rewarm their patient. Police initiated a recovery by Westpac Air Rescue, simultaneously organising a land-sar party from APRES as poor visibility prevailed at the time. The helicopter, after missing the group several times, eventually at 18:15hrs spotted them and set about recovering all from a landing site some 10 minutes walk. The patient and one of the boys (uninjured) was transferred to Christchurch Hospital, while the others were delivered to Mt White Bridge and taken by police to Arthur's Pass for the night.
THREE MORE (overdue) COAST TO COAST RUNNERS! This time they managed to cross the Bealey River a whole seven minutes before it flash-flooded in the heavy rainfall at the time. AGAIN AN EXTREME WEATHER WARNING WAS ISSUED THE PREVIOUS DAY!
![]() Mingha/Bealey Rivers running 200 metres wide on 29/10/2006 |
Three male Coast to Coast competitors chose to run the Deception - Goat Pass - Mingha route, despite an extreme heavy rain warning being issued in ALL media the previous day. Other runners chose to turn around in the Deception when water levels were determined to be marginal and rain commenced. Heavy rain struck the Arthur's Pass region at 09:00hrs, ALL river systems came into flood at 12:00hrs and continued to rise dramatically (80mm+ rain). At 16:30hrs the alarm was raised by passing motorists and the Tranz Alpine train that 2 or 3 "trampers" were spotted waving for assistance upstream of the extremely swollen Bealey / Mingha confluence. Investigation by Arthur's Pass Police & APRES revealed 3 very poorly equipped (2 rescue blankets, little food, no shelter, no packs, scant clothing) runners. The river was far too wide and swift to initiate any form of river rescue. Communication was achieved with the runners through the use of loud hailer (thank you again Arthur's Pass Fire) and hand signals (it was determined they had no medical conditions, but hypothermia overnight might become an issue with the falling temperatures). Poor weather conditions (galeforce winds) on the west & east coasts initially prevented the dispatch of helicopter services. Eventually Westpac Air Rescue was able to get through to Arthur's Pass in very marginal conditions, uplifting the runners on sunset. THIS IS THE SECOND TIME IN A WEEK THAT PEOPLE HAVE IGNORED EXTREME WEATHER WARNINGS!
Four overseas youths (1 male, 3 female) rescued from a flooding Bealey River in Arthur's Pass Village. This epic started on Sunday 15/10 in the Mingha River, with 6 very under-prepared youths tramping the Mingha River route to Mingha Biv. Caught by the predicted extreme weather (171mm rain) they chose to descend the Mingha River (being in full flood they stuck to the true-right all the way to the Bealey River junction). The Bealey River was also in full flood, so they decided to follow the true-left bank upstream. After crossing Graham stream, two of the party decided to walk into the flooded river to "raise the alarm". Simultaneously to this Arthur's Pass Police saw four people on the opposite side of the Bealey River from the Police Station watch-house and initiated an immediate SAR response, unaware that another pair had attempted crossing the swollen river. This pair were washed away, but miraculously regained the true-right bank a distance downstream. Some confusion prevailed as the SAR team found two packs on the river bank, and the remaining four youths on the opposite bank (confusion solved when 111 was called by the river pair). With night falling rapidly and heavy rain continuing, the remaining four youths were ordered into their sleeping bags (they had no tents, shelter, or warm clothing) and told (by loud hailer) to shelter on the forest edge. An APRES team attempted to reach the youths via the upstream rail bridge, and traversing the cliffs and waterfalls above the raging river, this night-time attempt was aborted after 1 hour when the path was blocked by sheer walls/waterfalls. A vigil took place on the opposite bank to the trampers all night, in case exposure became a problem (1ºC, sleet, passing showers), the river eventually dropped enough by 0630hrs to allow a team to cross the river (roped) and extract the four youths. They were suffering, mild exposure, disorientation, all treated by local ambulance. Many thanks to all who assisted on this most miserable of nights! In the Park 37 trampers (thus far) were caught by this predicted weather event!
Westpac Air Rescue was called out to Cass Saddle hut to transfer an 18 year old girl with abdominal pain to Christchurch Hospital. No other details available.
A 30 year old male snowboarder broke his femur (upper leg) whilst making a descent through the bluffs from Bills Basin to the main ski area. Initial treatment and recovery by Temple Basin ski patrol. He was uplifted by Westpac Air Rescue and transported to Christchurch Hospital for treatment.
Two male inexperienced overseas trampers ascended the Coral track (Rome Ridge). Outside treeline one of them (diabetic) lost a glove down a gut on the true-right of the ice-clad ridgeline. He decided to climb down to retrieve it, he lost his footing (no iceaxe or crampons) and slipped, sliding some 70 metres down the 45º chute and over a 4-5 metre cliff. He screamed for help (twice), his partner unable to assist directly descended Coral track back to Arthur's Pass Village to raise the alarm, at 16:30hrs. Arthur's Pass Police organised a helicopter (Coastwide) and strop rescue team, which arrived at 17:06hrs. Initial searching of the ridge discovered his glove, hat and fall-line skid marks but not him. A member of APRES was delivered to treeline to initiate a voice response & track search, this resulted in double fresh descent boot prints and blood trail being discovered joining the ice covered track a short distance in, no voice response was forthcoming. Search was stood down when he exited the Coral track onto Highway 73. He was suffering from deep lacerations to hands, back injury, & general body bruising - he had also lost his insulin pump during the fall. Transferred to Christchurch hospital by Westpac Air Rescue.
Westpac Air Rescue was called out to Cass Saddle to uplift a female tramper suffering from hypothermia after spending a night in the open. She was winched on board and flown to Christchurch Hospital. No other details available.
Two inexperienced overseas trampers ascended the Deception River on Saturday 3/6, they failed to find Upper Deception Hut or the Goat Pass Hut before becoming benighted in stormy weather conditions. They bivouaced in the open beside the Deception River. 60mm of rain fell overnight raising the river into a moderate flood condition. The trampers decided to descend the Deception River, with increasing difficulty in crossing the river. On the final crossing they got into difficulties being swept away, they lost their two overnight packs, however managed to scramble to safety and were able to reach Highway 73 in their semi-hypothermic state. Also over this same period another party of 3 going Mingha-Goat Pass-Deception rightly discovered on Sunday the Deception River too swift and spent a further night out at the Upper Deception Hut (they were reported as overdue), they walked out OK on Monday.
Two trampers ascending the Carroll Hut track from Kelly's Shelter became separated. The trailing member slipped and fell over a small cliff injuring himself (leg). He waited for 40 minutes in very poor deteriorating cold weather for his partner to return but this never eventuated. He then made his own way down slowly to the highway. The duty officer at Arthur's Pass Police was told of these events, and it was decided to send a foot party into Carroll Hut to prevent a possible night search scenario by the remaining inexperienced member of the party once he became aware of his missing comrade. Arthur's Pass Rescue (APRES) sent a flash party up the track (now a river) to retrieve the other tramper who they discovered tucked up in the hut.
An ill-prepared (carrying nothing and wearing little) Israeli tourist separated from his group near tree-line on the Avalanche Track making his way ahead to the summit of Avalanche Peak, at this point instead of following the obvious pole-lines he followed foot-prints in the fresh snow of other walkers heading off on the Crow Hut route. His companions arrived on the summit at 15:00hrs and assumed he had already made his way down Scott's Track. When they arrived back in Arthur's Pass Village at dusk they realised their comrade had either not come back down, or may have hitched to Christchurch independantly (as he had a flight to Australia next day). They notified Arthur's Pass Rescue of this situation at 19:00hrs, who proceeded with a thorough search of the Village, and notified Darfield Police. Witnesses still in the Village who had been on Avalanche Peak were sort and interviewed. ChCh Police were tasked with tracking down his intended abode in ChCh, eventually confirming he had not returned to ChCh, and hence it could be assumed he may well still be on the mountain. A night search of the upper mountain was abandoned due to very icy conditions. An early morning foot and helicopter search was organised. Conditions overnight were mild and clear (full moon). At 03:00hrs we were notified by Police that he had indeed turned up in ChCh. Apparently he had eventually retraced his steps around midnight and descended the Avalanche Track, immediately getting a hitch to ChCh. So endith the lesson! Also of note that same day was 3 other poorly prepared Israeli tourists on a "day walk" on the Crow Hut/Waimakariri route discovered it wasn't a day walk in the deep snow conditions, spending a cold night in the Crow Hut for their trouble.
An overdue day-walker (53yo japanese) was reported to Darfield Police on Saturday (18th Mar) morning, when it was noticed he had not returned to his YHA bed overnight. He had not left his intentions with anybody, but the YHA manager had recollection he had mentioned Mt Aicken on Friday 17th March. Coastwide Helicopters was called in to assist with the search in deteriorating weather, the initial air search over a wide area of Mt Aicken, Graham Creek and Mt Cassidy revealed nothing. Two Arthur's Pass Rescue (APRES) search were mobilised, one on the track route from the bottom, the other from Mt Aicken summit searching the ridge escarpment and scree basins into the Graham Creek area, by nightfall both searches revealed nothing. Confirmation of his presence on Mt Aicken came on Saturday night when a foreign witness was finally tracked down in Christchurch. The search was escalated that night by ChCh Police, with search parties (ChCh, Oxford, Tracker dogs, ChCh ACR, Pegasus, APRES) distributed during the Sunday in a wide area about the "last known point" and many other "likely" areas trampers might become disorientated or injured. Further air searches revealed nothing. Whilst Darfield Police were organising to retrieve another possible witness from the Cass/Lagoon area he noticed our "missing person" regaining the highway some 4km south of the Village. The walker had descended Brett Stream (from Mt O'Malley) to the Bealey River, he was apparently in heavy scrub on the Mingha side of Mt O'Malley on the Saturday when the helicopter over flew him, but then back-tracked and crossed into the Bealey catchment under cover of darkness. He had abrasions only for his mis-adventure.
The body of a missing tramper (34yo American male) was found in the Browning Pass area of Arthur's Pass National Park on Wednesday evening by Coastwide Helicopters and West Coast Police. The tramper was attempting the 3 Pass Trip from the West Coast side towards Arthur's Pass. He apparently filled in an intention card at the Arthur's Pass Visitor centre but had posted it in the return box by error or when he changed his mind to travel the route in reverse from the West Coast. He was reported missing by family in the USA when he failed to return to the United States on March 12, this placed him 11 days overdue. He apparently has taken a fall (200m) whilst descending a gully from Browning Pass into the Wilberforce, it is believed he was a short way off route. He died of injuries sustained in the fall.
A 65 year old male has died as a result of injuries sustained in an 8 metre fall over a cliff. He was part of a tour group utilising a "unofficial" track in the Cave Stream Reserve.
An overdue day-walker was reported to Arthur's Pass Rescue (APRES) on late Sunday (26th Feb), she actually was overdue from the previous day. Initial search concentrated on valley floor areas as she left very sketchy intentions, but was shortly concentrated onto Mt Aicken when other walkers returned with her car keys from a pack & scattered clothing discovered at 1650m on the Mt Aicken route. Coastwide Helicopters was called in to assist with the search in deteriorating weather (galeforce winds), this air search revealed nothing. The search was escalated that night by ChCh Police, with search parties (ChCh, Timaru, Hanmer, Tracker dogs, ChCh ACR, Pegasus, APRES) distributed during the coming days in a wide area about the "last known point" and many other "likely" areas trampers might become disorientated or injured. Further air searches in marginal weather revealed nothing. The ground search revealed some inconclusive clues around the O'Malley Tarn area. The search continued through to Thursday (2nd Mar) in varying weather conditions enlarging the search area considerably into much more complex and difficult terrain. Footprints found adjacent a cliff line edge, simultaneously followed by a thorough search of Graham Stream found the missing walkers body suspended on a terrace above Graham Stream (true left branch). It is assumed she fell a considerable distance probably on Saturday evening (25th Feb). Recovery by ChCh ACR and NZAF Iriquois.
A 17 year old boy was transported to Christchurch Hospital by Westpac Rescue Helicopter after sustaining serious injuries in a fall. No other details available.
Two trampers were washed downstream in the flooding Otehake River near its confluence with the Taramakau River, whilst attempting to gain the Lake Kaurapataka track. One tramper managed to scramble to shore on easy ground, whilst the other (46 year old woman) became trapped on a narrow ledge adjacent a cliff. Another tramping party (upstream) raised the alarm by setting off their satellite rescue beacon. Rescue eventually came by air (West Coast Air Rescue) with a very difficult winching operation hindered by large overhanging trees and taken top Greymouth Hospital. She was suffering hypothermia and severe leg bruising.
A 26 year old woman had fallen down an embankment injuring her hip. Stretcher carry by Arthur's Pass Rescue (APRES) to Westpac Rescue Helicopter.
A tourist day-walker used her cellphone to call for help when she became disorientated on Mt Aicken (she actually said she was on adjacent Mt Cassidy) in the late evening. Initial searches by Arthur's Pass Rescue (APRES) failed to find her on "Mt Cassidy", however she was eventually found with binoculars at 1650m on Mt Aicken. Police decided to extract her using the Westpac Rescue Helicopter. She was suffering dehydration.